Coping with Mental Health During COVID-19

COVID-19 was a life-changing experience. For many of us, it was the first time we had faced prolonged social isolation in our lives. And on top of that, many people lost family members or dealt with anxiety that we might. 

It would be naive to expect that the impact of the pandemic would go away immediately when it ends. Instead, it is likely that COVID-19 will cause permanent changes — both to our society and to ourselves.

Coupon Cause decided to try to measure exactly how our readers were impacted by the pandemic in a recent survey, conducted in partnership with our sister site Swagbucks. It shows that Gen Z may have been the generation that was most impacted by the pandemic. Keep reading to learn how our survey suggests that’s true.

Gen Z’s Main Concerns Are Changing

Our survey found that 16% of Gen Zers reported that the pandemic had a large negative effect on their mental health, while just 9% of all respondents over 25 reported the same.

On top of this, 54% of our Gen Z respondents said that their main concerns in life are now different than they were before the pandemic. Results like these suggest that Gen Z not only had a tough time getting through the pandemic but also that their worldview could be changing in the post-COVID-19 world.

Gen Z’s Habits Are Worsening

A person’s habits play a large role in determining the quality of their life. People with good, healthy habits, tend to be happier in the long run than people with poor habits. That’s why this next piece of information from our survey is another point that suggests Gen Z is having the toughest time with the pandemic.

38% of our Gen Z respondents said that their habits are worse since the COVID-19 pandemic. A further 62% of all Gen Z respondents said that they have habits that they wish they could change.

Of people who had habits they feel they couldn’t change, 51% said they felt that way because it brings happiness or relieves stress. While 45% said they don’t know how to change the habit.

Gen Z and Therapy In the Wake of The Pandemic

Therapy can be a great solution for dealing with many of the problems covered above. That’s why our survey also asked respondents to clarify their views on therapy and whether they would be interested in pursuing it.

On the whole, Gen Z appears to be much more interested in therapy than other age groups. Our survey found that 62% of Gen Z respondents considered or tried therapy during the pandemic, while just 32% of everyone over the age of 25 reported the same.

Of Gen Zers who have tried therapy, just 11% said that they prefer online therapy to traditional face-to-face sessions. Of those, 53% said that they like online therapy because it enables them to stay anonymous, while 47% said that they prefer being able to talk to their therapist at home or on the go.

As a point of comparison, 41% of Gen Z respondents said they have no preference between online therapy and face-to-face sessions while 48% said they prefer in-person therapy to online.