Breast Cancer Survival: Facts & Statistics

Breast cancer is a prevalent form of cancer among women.

The tumor grows either in the ducts or lobules of the breast. The lobules are the glands that produce milk, and ducts are the pathways of the milk from the glands to the nipple. The uncontrolled cancerous cells affect the other healthy breast tissue, and gradually travel to the lymph nodes under the arms.

The common symptoms of breast cancer include

  • breast pain
  • swelling in or all parts of the breast
  • excessive nipple discharge
  • breast lumps

To determine that the symptoms you are experiencing are caused by breast cancer, your doctor will conduct a thorough physical exam.

If they have further suspicion, they may recommend you to take the best online blood test.

The PCR Master Mix diagnostic test is advised to confirm the lump in the breast.

We’ve rounded up specific vital facts and statistics to provide you an overview of what this disease is.

More than 1.7 million new cases of breast cancer are reported each year worldwide.  According to the National Cancer Institute (NCI), in the US alone, 12.4 percent of women will develop breast cancer in their entire lifetime.

Survival Rates by Breast Cancer Stage

The average survival rate of breast cancer is five-years, which means patients survive for five years after being diagnosed with breast cancer. About 89.7 percent of those with breast cancer fall in the five-years survival category. The survival rate depends upon the age and stage of breast cancer.

The various stages of breast tumor are related to the growth of the cancerous cells, and how far this disease has spread.

  • Stage 0 is a precancerous stage, representing abnormal cell growth, but the cancer is not invasive.
  • Stage 1 of breast cancer includes a small localized tumor in the breast.
  • Stage 2 is a condition when the size of the tumor is typically less than 2 cm and has spread to the lymph nodes.
  • In Stage 3, the breast tumor has spread to the multiple lymph nodes or cancer that has spread to the chest wall, skin, or just outside the breast.
  • Stage 4 is also known as metastatic breast cancer; here, the cancerous cells have traveled to one or other distant organs in the body, mainly lungs, liver, and bones.

The earlier the breast cancer is diagnosed, greater are the chances and longevity of survival.

As per the NCI reports, 61.4% of women are diagnosed in stage 1 of breast cancer, at this stage, the odds of a five-year survival rate is quite high, approximately between 98.8 and 100.

For stage 2 diagnosis, the survival rate goes way down to 93%. In stage 3, the likelihood of survival for five years or more drops to 72%, and 22% for stage 4.

Survival Rate By Age

The risk of developing breast cancer increases with age. Out of 60,290 women diagnosed with breast cancer in the US, only 3% are below 40. The median age of breast cancer is 62, and the average death by age is 68.

Survival by Race

Race plays a significant role when it comes to the risk factor of breast cancer. White women are most likely to be diagnosed with breast cancer. Black women are second in the race to get breast cancer, then follow Asian and Pacific island women.

The survival outcomes are also affected by race and ethnicity. The five-years survival rate of Asian women stands at 90.7%. With 88.8%, Non-Hispanic white women are second on the list.


If you’ve been confirmed or undergoing the diagnosis, you need to know these statistics are not the writing on the wall. Your personal outlook depends upon a myriad of factors, so speak to your doctor and have a better idea of what to expect.