Cannabis Medicine Trends for 2020

In general, the cannabis market is booming. That being the case, the US industry expects the legal sale of marijuana to increase to $23 billion by 2025. While every sector is making significant advances in ensuring the growth of the cannabis industry as a whole, most trends seem to be emanating from the medical industry. The European parliament is also pushing forward a bill to allow doctors to use their professional judgment in prescribing cannabis medicine. Once that happens, more trends will be cropping up, leading to the drastic growth of the cannabis market. Here is a list of new trends in cannabis medicine that you should know.


More cannabis products are to crop up

The first thing that led to the legalization of cannabis is its medicinal benefits. While it is apparent what cannabis can do medically, proper methods of administration are still lacking. That is why, in 2020, there is an increase in more cannabis products. The idea is to eliminate the notion that the consumption of cannabis can only be through smoking. The industry is seeing an increase in new cannabis products like cannabis beverages and a wide variety of edibles. Manufacturers are still looking for ways to come up with better and more efficient products that can ease the administration of medicine. So be ready for life-changing cannabis products in 2020.

Medical research on cannabis is increasing

The main breakthrough in the cannabis industry was the extraction of CBD from marijuana. CBD or cannabidiol, that comes from hemp, is the compound that contains less than 0.03% THC. The discovery meant that people could finally enjoy the medical benefits of cannabis without worrying about its psychoactive effects. What followed was a series of findings that led to the legalization of marijuana in multiple states. In 2020, more research is going to take place. That is going to catapult the availability of cannabis medicines and might even increase the usage of cannabis in hospitals to treat various diseases. At the moment, doctors are carrying out tests and studies to unlock more medical uses of cannabis.

Services like Veriheal make it easy for patients to find medical marijuana doctors in their area.

In some states, you can easily buy outdoor marijuana seeds in 2020. Like the name says these seeds can be planted outdoors and they produce sturdy plants with a bit lower THC value, as this Zamnesia article explains

Consumption of medical marijuana

Consumption of medical marijuana is becoming global

General consumption of cannabis is about to go mainstream, and its medicinal use is about to become universal. The reason for this is because more people continue to suffer from psychological conditions like depression, stress, and anxiety. For instance, stress statistics indicate that 87% of Americans experience stress more often or sometimes. Cannabis has proven to be an incredible medicine that can treat psychological condition. Other conditions that cannabis can treat include pain, inflammation, and skin conditions like acne. With more people becoming aware of the health benefits of marijuana, it’s only a matter of time before it goes global.


There is going to be faster onset rates of edibles

Most people who take medical marijuana prefer edibles as trusted extracts makes it easy to procure through their doorstep delivery system . The problem is that edibles and other ingestible take a longer time before you start feeling its effects. That is no longer going to be a problem in 2020. Ideas are coming up to increase the onset time of edibles. That includes increasing the concentration of marijuana in gummies and other edibles. The concerned parties are also trying to come up with ways to decrease the period it takes for cannabis to break down in the stomach. That is because no one wants to wait for 45minutes to 90 minutes before the product starts numbing his or her chronic pain.

cannabis compounds

More cannabis compounds are becoming relevant

CBD has been overshadowing other cannabis compounds for a long time. That is regardless of the fact that the compounds have been around all along. The year 2020, however, brings along numerous changes. Cannabis compounds, such as CBG and CBN, as well as Terpenes, are going to make headlines. Remember, Terpenes also have a relaxation effect and can also increase mental clarity and acuity. It’s among the new medical cannabis trends in 2020 that is going to take over the industry by storm. Analysis of these compounds is ongoing, and once it is clear what they can do, they are going to be part of many medical products. The trend may also end up unlocking more medical benefits of cannabis.


Cannabis is now a big part of medicine. The compound is helping doctors to come up with ways to cure numerous conditions without worrying about significant side effects. It is also helping arthritis patients to manage the chronic pain that arthritis tends to bring along. The above trends are thus cropping up to make it easy for medical practitioners to harness the full capabilities of cannabis. They are also helping in transforming the administration methods of cannabis medicines, especially for patients who cannot smoke the product. These trends alone will see the growth of the cannabis industry and other associated sectors.

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