Addiction recovery is characterized by ups and downs, strong emotions, withdrawal symptoms, and many other aspects.
While the good elements of Recovery might be spectacular and lovely, the roadblocks can be overwhelming.
Even individuals who have every intention of avoiding relapse at all costs may find themselves thinking about โ or even doing โ it considerably more frequently than they would like.
It can be discouraging to keep relapsing despite a sincere and sincere effort to stay clean and sober, but there is always hope in Recovery.
Infinite Recovery helps you stay ahead of the curve and enables you to find hope even when you relapse more than often. Check for further details.
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Relapse rates for people recovering from a drug or alcohol addiction are unfortunately reasonably high.
According to studies, 40-60% of people relapse within 30 days of leaving an inpatient drug and alcohol treatment facility, and up to 85% relapse within the first year.
Individuals struggling with an alcohol or other substance addiction must recognize the significant danger of relapse, be aware of their triggers, and figure out how to deal with their emotions healthily.
Individuals might be better equipped and able to maintain their treatment by understanding typical risks for addiction relapse.
You can be addicted to anything from alcohol to drugs, gambling to food. However, when you go through the path of Recovery, you must learn to have hope. Even when you relapse, and there is absolute darkness in front of your eyes, you should follow these strategies to maintain hope.
Alcoholics Anonymous and Narcotics Anonymous are only two of the many 12-Step groups that are free to join in practically every community across the United States.
Most sessions will have a presentation from a member of the audience that puts your difficulties into perspective and reminds you that what you’re going through isn’t so horrible.
You can also talk about your want to use and seek support if you like and feel comfortable doing so.
Remember that you are surrounded in the rooms by individuals who have been where you are, and they are available to help you stay sober if you ask for it.
Even if it seems challenging at first, take the time to write down everything you are grateful for in your life โ everything you love that provides you comfort and satisfaction.
Get descriptive about everything from the scent of honeysuckle to a delicious meal or a hug from a close friend or loved one.
Continue writing until you realize how much hope and love you already have in your life.
There is nothing like volunteering at a homeless shelter to remind you that people with real problems in life and whatever issues you have can be resolved even without drugs.
You may even encounter people who are where they are due to addiction or alcoholism, which serves as a stark reminder of the dangers that await you if you choose to give up hope.
Volunteering at a homeless shelter can also make you realize that you have a roof over your head and are luckier than some people.
Taking a fearless and moral inventory of your life in general or the situation that makes you feel hopeless in Recovery can help you see how your viewpoints, assumptions, or behaviors contribute to the problem.
On the other hand, recognizing your role is only the first step.
Taking responsibility for your actions and working on correcting false assumptions and self-destructive ideas and behaviors might help you feel more hopeful in your daily interactions.
Discussing your situation with your sponsor may provide you with the opportunity to benefit from their experience.
Please take note of your sponsor’s suggestions and consider putting one or more of them into practice in your own life.
Maintaining a consistent connection with your sponsor will help you remember why you chose to recover in the first place and why you should keep your commitment.
A personal therapist, especially one specializing in addiction treatment and is committed to helping you make decisions that will empower your capacity to stay sober, is always a fantastic connection and support to have in Recovery.
If you’re losing hope, talk to your therapist about it and ask for advice and coping skills to help you get back on track.
The therapist will understand your urges and suggest new ways to stay committed to your recovery path.
Good friends have a way of minimizing the unpleasant, validating your sentiments, and encouraging you to spend your time with more enjoyable activities.
Isolate yourself from your old pals if they make you feel low or hopeless.
Instead, make an effort to connect with others and spend the day doing something you enjoy.
Taking care of oneself does not imply giving up all of life’s pleasures.
You can have fun and treat yourself on occasion without jeopardizing your Recovery in various ways.
Give yourself a boost and take a day for yourself as long as your indulgence does not contain drugs or alcohol or create any cravings.
Yoga, swimming, martial arts, spiritual services, art classes, meditation, or acupuncture are all fantastic additions to your recuperation regimen.
These support groups may not seem conventional to support your recovery journey, but they can keep you occupied.
Once you connect with a new recovery support group, you can work your piled-up energy somewhere productively and have hope that you will be better.
If none of these methods work for you and you still believe you have little chance of recovering, try returning to treatment.
Sober living, outpatient treatment, or even inpatient treatment may be just what you need to reset and reclaim your hope.
Nobody will force you to return to the treatment, so if you feel like you need it, get back there now.
You must maintain hope and stay positive because otherwise, your chances of relapse are pretty high.
Even if you relapse, that’s not the end of your story.
In fact, people relapse in drug recovery, and that’s a fairly common occurrence. So, if you need more info on it, ping us in the comment section.
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