Shortness of Breath: An Early COVID-19 Sign?

While numerous health concerns are known to result in shortness of breath, including a cardiac illness, panic attack, chest infection, and anxiety, this concern is also a typical symptom of COVID-19. Triggered by the SARS-CoV-2 virus, COVID-19 is a respiratory illness that damages the airways’ cells, from the nose and throat to the innermost portions of the lungs. At this point, besides difficulties breathing, you might experience associated symptoms, including a cough and cold. Sadly, once the virus settles deeper into the lungs, it may trigger an infection or even pneumonia. Read on to learn more about shortness of breath Otsego and how it relates to COVID-19.

What Exactly Is Shortness Of Breath?

Also known as breathlessness, shortness of breath is the sensation of being out of breath, as though you cannot gather your breath or it is difficult to breathe properly. Occasionally, it could feel like chest constriction or dyspnea.

Experiencing breathlessness is natural. It could occur, for instance, if you are anxious or exercising at a cruising altitude. However, if the breathlessness persists at rest or if you experience breathlessness after minimal or no physical exertion, something is wrong. If your breathlessness tends to be an everyday occurrence, you might want your doctor to check you for chronic cardiac or lung concerns.

Is Breathlessness An Early Indication Of COVID-19?

Breathlessness is generally not an early indication of COVID-19. Data indicates that shortness of breath typically develops one week after the onset of other symptoms. Thus, picture suffering a coronavirus infection for five days without experiencing symptoms until before suffering a minor fever, bodily aches, fatigue, and lack of smell or taste.

It might take up to 10 days before you begin to feel short of breath, or even longer. However, these are simply the average statistics. Breathlessness that poses a risk to one’s life could occur at any time throughout COVID-19 and is always an indication that you require immediate medical intervention.

How Prevalent Is Shortness Of Breath In Patients With COVID-19?

One of COVID-19’s symptoms is breathlessness. In particular, a dry cough, breathing difficulties, and fever strongly suggest a coronavirus infection.

So, how widespread is breathlessness amongst all COVID-19 patients? According to one study, 39% of outpatients and inpatients suffered breathing difficulties during their COVID testing. While less prevalent than cough and fever, difficulty breathing is the most prominent symptom in COVID-19 hospital settings.

Is Breathlessness Associated With COVID-19 Severe?

If you have a mild case of COVID-19, you are less prone to having breathlessness. The reason for this occurrence is that difficulty breathing stems from a lung infection, also known as pneumonia. However, not everybody with COVID-19 is susceptible to pneumonia. There is a good chance that if you do not suffer from pneumonia, you will not experience breathlessness.

What Other COVID-19 Symptoms Should You Watch For?

Besides shortness of breath, here are some other symptoms that could point out a coronavirus infection:

  • Fatigue
  • Body or muscle aches
  • Loss of taste and/or smell
  • Chills or fever
  • Nausea or vomiting
  • Sore throat
  • Runny nose or congestion
  • Headache
  • Diarrhea

Ultimately, if you have one or more of the symptoms highlighted above, in addition to breathlessness, you should self-isolate till demonstrated otherwise. At GatherWell COVID Testing, you can access a full scope of COVID-19 test options, including PCR, antigen, and antibody testing. Arrange an appointment today to explore your choices and receive a test that best suits your unique needs and circumstances.