Preventing Sports Injuries: The Secret

Sports promote physical fitness and general wellness; however, they are responsible for injuries such as tendinitis and sprains. If left untreated, these injuries may worsen and affect our ability to engage in sports activities again. In severe cases, untreated sports injuries can lead to disability, but not under the watch of the Red Bank board certified physical medicine & rehabilitation physician at Downtown Pain Management, who offers medications and therapies that promote optimal function in the injured area.

Factors that determine your vulnerability to sports injuries

Exercise is vital for general health and wellness, but injuries are inevitable during these activities. Ignoring warm-up exercises may elevate your risk of injuries, affecting soft tissues such as bursae, ligaments, muscles, and tendons. Traumatic brain injury is also a sports injury, but it is rare. Physical activities involving pivoting, jumping, or running may also cause injuries. If you are also out of shape, engaging in intense sports may be too much for your joints and soft tissues to handle.

Sports injuries that you need to be aware of

Dr. Ben-Meir and his skilled team at Downtown Pain Management offer treatment for all types of sports injuries, including:

  • Knee injuries

Your knees are responsible for supporting your upper body weight. The joints also facilitate movements like jumping, running, and climbing, which make them prone to several sports injuries. The injuries include patellofemoral pain syndrome, cartilage injuries like meniscus tears, ACL tears, and jumper’s knee. A knee injury requires prompt medical intervention to prevent exacerbating the wounds, leading to complications like instability.

  • Strains and sprains

A sprain is an overstretched ligament, a tissue that joins your bones, facilitating movement without friction. A strain is a pulled or twisted muscle or tendon. Strains often trigger back pain, while sprains affect your knees, ankles, and wrists.

  • Tendon injuries

Tendinitis is the most prevalent sports injury, and it is due to the irritation or inflammation of your tendon. Some tendon injuries may include rotator cuff tears, tennis elbow, and Achilles tendinitis.

How you can minimize your risk of sports injuries

Although sports injuries are unpredictable, taking specific safety measures may reduce your risk of getting them. For instance, choosing a less dangerous sport can assure you of some level of safety. Chronic sports injuries are due to repetitive movements, and minimizing the number of times you play such a sport minimizes the chances of injuries. You may also have heard that taking plenty of water before any sport is essential to prevent dehydration.

How to care for a sports injury

If you get hurt during a sport or exercise, stop immediately to prevent exacerbating the injury. Most mild sports injuries resolve within a few days of practicing the RICE technique:

  • Rest: Use crutches when moving around to avoid putting excess pressure on the injured area.
  • Ice: Place cold or ice packs on the injured joint to minimize swelling and pain.
  • Compression: Secure the injured area in an elastic bandage to provide support.
  • Elevation: Place your injured limb above your heart’s level to rest it and prevent swelling.

Call the Downtown Pain Management office to explore other sports injuries remedies or book your spot online.