Debunking Birth Control Myths

The effectiveness and safety of birth control are often misunderstood, leading some women to avoid taking the best method for them. Pills, intrauterine devices (IUDs), condoms, and other barrier devices are only a few of the many forms of birth control available to those who want to delay or prevent conception. A Laurel physician assistant can help you decide which birth control choice will work for you.

In this post, we examine the evidence supporting many different types of birth control and dispel some common beliefs about them.

Contraception reduces the risk of sexually transmitted diseases.

Although condoms and other barrier techniques may lessen the likelihood of developing a sexually transmitted infection, they are not 100% effective. The herpes simplex virus, for instance, may live on vaginal skin that isn’t protected by a condom. Some kinds of contraception are efficient in avoiding sexually transmitted infections, while others are useless. None of the methods of birth control commonly used today—oral contraceptives, IUDs, and sterilization—protect you against infection. If you use this method of contraception, discuss preventative measures against sexually transmitted diseases with your doctor.

Using hormonal contraception causes weight gain.

Birth control may cause fluid retention but does not cause weight gain. Hormonal contraceptives can cause a temporary weight increase due to water retention; however, this is usually short-lived and harmless. Even though certain forms of hormonal birth control have been linked to undesirable side effects, including increased hunger and bloating, there is no evidence linking these medications to sustained weight gain.

However, one exception to this rule is the birth control injection [Depo Provera], which has been linked to long-term weight increase in specific individuals. If you have any questions or concerns regarding the possible adverse effects of this or any other kind of birth control, you should talk to your doctor.

One’s fertility may be affected by birth control

Hormonal contraception is often believed to hurt fertility in the long run; however, this is a widespread misconception. It’s not true. Getting pregnant after stopping the pill is possible for anybody, regardless of how long they have been on it (as long as they have no other reproductive difficulties). Hormonal contraception is not the cause of infertility; it is only one of several potential causes.

The contraceptive pill is linked to increased cancer risk

The tablet does not increase the risk of cancer. On the contrary, it has been shown to reduce the likelihood of developing several malignancies. According to the American Cancer Society, birth control tablets containing both estrogen and progesterone have been shown to reduce the incidence of ovarian and endometrial cancer. The longer you take them, the less of a chance of harm you’ll be doing to yourself. Recent studies have also shown that using a birth control pill may reduce your risk of colon cancer.

The situation is more nuanced when discussing breast cancer. There is evidence from many studies that birth control pill usage is linked to an increased risk of breast cancer. It would help if you didn’t let this stop you from taking the medication. The pill’s advantages outweigh the slightly increased risk of breast cancer, which includes preventing unintended pregnancies and decreasing the risk of ovarian and endometrial malignancies. If you’re a young person, this is much more true.

Everyone has their own story regarding birth control, and there are several routes to choose from. If you know what to believe and what is true about birth control, you may choose the most effective method and learn how to use it safely.