Lifestyle Factors Fueling Sciatica

Did you know that over 40% of people in the United States will develop sciatica at some point in their lives? Since the pain typically generates in the lower back, many perceive it as a back problem. Generally, sciatica occurs when the sciatic nerve becomes irritated or compressed. The condition is fatal and, if left untreated, can extend and cause disability. In most cases, finding an appropriate solution for your sciatic pain can be hectic, especially when you have a tight schedule. However, Fair Lawn sciatica services will be instrumental in relieving that chronic pain while honoring your schedule. Although sciatica begins in your lower spine, the problem causes a sharp electric pain that shoots down to your limbs. Additionally, your lifestyle habits can contribute to sciatica, and having a clear understanding of some can safeguard you from this deadly condition. Here are five lifestyle behaviors that increase sciatic pain.

1.     Sedentary lifestyle

If you spend a considerable part of your days sitting or don’t create any exercise time, you are at risk of contracting sciatica. Typically, prolonged sitting can create muscular imbalances in the posterior chain leading to inflammation which could compress your sciatic nerve. When you remain seated for long hours, you exert more weight and pressure in your lower back which compresses the sciatic nerve resulting in immense pain. To be on the safer side, take some breaks off and walk around to prevent sciatica occurrence.

2.     Frequent bending, twisting, and heavy lifting

If your everyday activities entail regular bending, twisting, and heavy lifting, chances are high that you can develop sciatica. These activities stress the vertebrae, which compresses the sciatic nerve, further irritating sciatica. When you physically bend your spine or stretch the muscles and ligaments that support your spine, you are likely to suffer sciatic pain. Constantly avoid bending or twisting your back and if you must, do it carefully or take breaks to relax your spine.

3.     Wearing non-supportive shoes

You might like the look of an elegant high heel, but wearing them can affect compression on your sciatic nerve. Usually, high-heeled shoes push your weight forward which can flex your hips and exert pressure on the sciatic nerve. Footwear that doesn’t have cushioned insoles or those with no arch support can also trigger sciatica. These non-supportive shoes send the impact in every step you make to your sciatic nerve.

4.     Being overweight

The weight on your upper side is significantly exerted in your lower spine. Carrying excess pounds put more pressure on the vertebrae, which compresses the sciatic nerve. The nerve enters and exits the vertebrae and when vertebrae are compressed, so is the sciatic nerve. Generally, cutting the extra pounds is good for your overall health, and sciatica is not exemptional.

5.     Holding heavy items in your back pocket

Although many people don’t comprehend the harm of carrying heavy objects in your side pockets, it can trigger back problems, not excluding sciatica. If you spend long hours sitting with your wallet or phone in your back pockets, the pressure digs into the piriformis muscle and can cause inflammation in the sciatic nerve.

In most cases, sciatica develops as a result of our lifestyle habits. You might not understand what caused your sciatica, but you can take preventive measures to avoid worsening your condition. Furthermore, Alliance Spine Associates has many treatment options for your sciatica problem. If you need help to alleviate sciatica pain, contact our Fair Lawn New Jersey office today!