Discussing Pain with Your Physician

It can be difficult to get through a day when you are in pain. Likewise, identifying the correct option for relief might be challenging; there are numerous reasons and forms of pain, and everyone feels it uniquely. Your pain medicine specialist at Progressive Spine & Sports Medicine could assist you in building an individualized treatment strategy. However, the entire process requires your involvement. In this post, Dr. Steven Ferrer and Dr. Kevin McElroy discuss how to better communicate with your doctor about your discomfort. Continue reading to learn more. 

Why Is Diagnosing Pain Difficult?

In its most fundamental sense, pain is a protective biological mechanism. When wounded, the body creates chemicals that transmit pain signals to the spinal cord. The spinal cord transmits these impulses to the brain, which processes them and generates the pain feeling, also known as acute pain.

Chronic pain, which can continue for months, or even years, is somewhat more complex. This discomfort frequently serves no obvious function; it could persist after an accident or surgery or from a health condition like fibromyalgia or arthritis. With time, this pain could cause a shift in your neural system that alters how you sense pain.

How To Help Your Physician Assist You?

During your initial pain medicine consultation, carry along the following:

  •         A current list of the drugs you are taking
  •         A summary of the latest medical diagnoses, operations, or treatments
  •         A record of therapies you have attempted and the reasons you discontinued them. Possibly there was a negative effect, or they just were ineffective.

How To Express Your Pain?

Sadly, there is no reliable method of assessing pain. Therefore, it could be difficult for doctors to assess the severity of their patient’s pain and the efficacy of their therapies.

Your doctor may ask you to score your discomfort on a scale of 1 to 10 or recommend imaging procedures like a CT scan or MRI to examine your discomfort. Though these tools could be useful, they rarely provide the complete story. Thus, your physician will rely significantly on your replies to pain-related queries, such as:

  •         Where is it hurting?
  •         What worsens or eases the pain?
  •         What circumstances trigger pain?
  •         What is the impact of your pain on your day-to-day activities?
  •         How does the pain feel? Whether burning, stinging, tender, aching, etc.

More Suggestions For Your Pain Consultation

The pain medicine specialists also suggest the following steps for a successful visit:

v  Bring Your Questions

Make a list of any issues, questions, or concerns you would like to address during your visit. You and your physician will have much to discuss, so undertaking this additional step will guarantee that you do not miss anything.

v  Write A Pain Diary

Your physician wants to understand how much your discomfort limits your daily activities. Record how your discomfort impacts your attitude, sleep, and mobility before your visit. Pain specialists evaluate the effectiveness of therapy depending on what you can achieve after therapy and your progress towards your objectives.

v  Be Receptive To Options

You may be unaware of all the possible causes of your discomfort. For instance, certain components of brain health like controlling stress or mood may suppress the severity of your discomfort. Thus, select patients may benefit from the services of a pain psychologist.

Pain management is seldom a one-time action. Rather, finding a practical solution is often a continuous process, with treatment regimens varying as symptoms and conditions change. At the pain medicine clinic in Glen Rock, NJ, the pain medicine physicians offer a full scope of solutions, ranging from simple lifestyle modifications to surgery. Schedule an initial consultation today via mobile or book online to discuss your concerns and explore available care solutions.