Tips for Cutting Men’s Hair at Home

Are you having a bad hair day? If you count yourself among those who are itching to chop their hair off, then read on. We’ve compiled some valuable tips for you so you can get a decent cut right at the comfort of your own home.

Lockdown Locks

Barbershops have closed due to COVID-19, and house calls are forbidden. With no professional hairstylists available to give your usual crew cut, faux hawk, or quiff, you’d most likely resort to cutting it yourself. Save yourself from the mature hairline and get the cut.

If you can’t wrap your head around the idea of growing your hair long, asking your other half, family member, or close friend to do the honors would most probably be your best bet. But what happens when you live alone? Is it time to summon your inner barber? Would you go to great lengths just for a trim? Surely, you love your hair too much to give up on that.

To help you out, here are our top tips for cutting your manly mane at home:

1. Get the correct tools.

When you’re gung-ho on getting your locks trimmed yourself, then invest in the right shearing tools.

Only use scissors specifically designed to cut hair. Never use craft or kitchen scissors. Also, steer clear of the thinning scissors that sometimes come with a DIY haircutting kit. Scissors not meant for cutting hair can bend the hair and ruin your hair cuticle. Using the wrong kind of scissors can lead to split ends.

When choosing clippers, make sure that you go for trusted brands. There are plenty of quality ones at mid-range prices but still feature a good motor and decent blades. It usually comes with a basic set that includes a blade guard, clipper grease and oil, comb attachments, a user’s manual, and a warranty.

2. Know the cut.

The buzz cut, the pompadour, or the modern comb-over. These are just some of the styles that you can ask your hairstylist to do. However, will you be able to recreate what the experts do?

When doing a DIY haircut at home, it’s best to first decide on what cut you want. Do your research. Browse through haircut and style sites to know the different kinds of cuts there are. Make a shortlist of the ones that are more to your taste.

More importantly, assess your abilities. Do you think you can easily do a Caesar cut? Would a bald fade be more to your level? Or would you instead just go shave it all off? You would also need to take into account how long will it take for your hair to grow back.

  1. Learn from experts.

You just can’t wing it. Unless you’re Edwards Scissorhands who can make masterpieces out of his sharp “fingers,” it would be best if you can get tips from the experts.

If you’re friendly with your hair groomer, then why not schedule an online tutorial? Some guys wouldn’t even mind paying for a consultation fee as long as they get pretty decent homemade haircuts.

Another option is to watch online videos. Find ones from haircutting masters. This way, the chances of getting a better cut are higher since most video tutorials can be pretty comprehensive and detailed. You can also read tips and techniques. Some sites would even incorporate step-by-step photos on how to do it yourself.

Tamed Tresses

If you’re not a fan of man-buns or flowing manes, then an at-home haircut would ease your stress. Just make sure that you get the best tips from doing research, buy the correct tools, and maintain healthy hair and scalp. With these as foundations for your DIY hair project, your hair can turn to be the mane attraction.