Combat Hair Loss & Depression: Effective Solutions

Are you suffering from hair loss from depression and you’re doubly depressed because your hair loss is causing additional depression?

Read on to discover the top 20 ways how to regain hair loss from depression.

Global Hair Loss in 2021

Approximately 30% of the world’s population suffers from hair loss, making it one of the most commonly found diseases on the planet.

On top of it, ONE in THREE women with hair loss has 2 or more symptoms of depression.

On average, every person will lose up to 100 hair follicles per day.

There is a large number of variables that can contribute to male pattern baldness. The factors which can cause baldness range from hormonal changes to other medical problems.

Hair loss is a disorder that most commonly affects men, although it is not uncommon to find these symptoms also present within women.

When it comes to hair loss, each and every individual’s experience will be different. Some people will suffer from progressive thinning of their hair, while others will experience abrupt thinning of their hair and patches of baldness all over their heads.

Because it is a natural occurrence, there is no need to be concerned about a few follicles dropping out here and there. However, there are a number of aggravating factors that can significantly contribute to hair loss.

These factors include diabetes, hair dye, chemicals, nutrition, mineral deficiency, medicines, depression, pollution, and heredity dispositions towards balding.

Other less mentioned causes can include wearing caps, headgears, or helmets might be to protect their heads.

Whilst there are many types of causes, we shall be concentrating on depression-induced hair loss – something incredibly common amongst adults who face regular bouts of depression and pressure.

When you are experiencing depression, you might experience three different forms of hair loss: thinning hair, brittle hair, and balding.

Is depression-induced hair loss a lifelong condition?

You will be glad to know that if depression is the source of your hair loss, it is possible for your hair to regrow over time if you wait long enough. Every individual will experience a varied pace of regrowth.

The development of human hair happens in a cycle with four distinct stages.

On average, a human scalp has around 100,000 hair follicles.

Currently, each of your hair follicles is at a distinct phase of the hair follicle life cycle:

  • Anagen Phase: This is the stage during which hair is actively developing. It has a lifespan of two to seven years.
  • Catagen Phase: This is a brief two-week period that occurs when the hair follicle begins to shrink, and it is the most common cause of hair loss.
  • Telogen Phase: This is the three-month resting period.
  • Exogen Phase: This period is when the follicle sheds its hair and begins to develop new hair.

If depression has been a contributing factor to your hair loss, controlling your mental health may be the key to restoring a normal rate of hair growth to your scalp.

20 ways how to regain hair loss from depression?

1. Treat Nutritional Deficiencies

Hair thinning can be caused by a lack of iron, vitamins such as the B complex, and proteins in the diet, as well as a lack of vitamin D. This has to be recognized and treated as soon as possible.

The consumption of a well-balanced, nutritious diet consisting mostly of whole foods is essential for the good health of your body — and your hair.

It is critical to consume all of the required vitamins in a balanced diet; however, there are a few that may be particularly helpful for hair growth:

Vitamin C: This is a powerful antioxidant. This vitamin is necessary for the formation of collagen, which is the connective tissue of the skin and is present in hair follicles.

Citrus fruits, broccoli, bell peppers, and strawberries are just a few of the foods that are high in vitamin C.

Vitamin B: This is a water-soluble vitamin that helps the body absorb calcium and phosphorus. In addition to promoting healthy metabolism, this multivitamin complex also helps to maintain healthy skin and hair.

Dietary sources of B vitamins include foods such as dark leafy greens (especially spinach), beans, almonds, and avocados.

Vitamin E: This is a powerful antioxidant. This vitamin is high in antioxidants, which can help to maintain a healthy hair and scalp condition.

Sunflower seeds, spinach, olive oil, broccoli, and shrimp are among the foods that are high in vitamin E.

2. Reduce Alcohol Intake

Cutting back on alcoholic beverages might be helpful for hair development.

3. Stop Smoking Cigarettes

Nicotine intake should be avoided because it lowers the quantity of blood that gets to the scalp, which results in a loss in hair growth.

4. Stay Hydrated

Since one-quarter of the hair shaft is made up of water, it is recommended that you drink four to eight cups of water each day to keep hydrated and promote the growth of healthy hair.

5. Take Approved Medication

Rogaine (minoxidil) is an FDA-approved medication for the treatment of male pattern baldness that is used topically on the scalp.

Hair loss, on the other hand, maybe reversed if the application is discontinued. Propecia is another drug that is effective in treating male pattern hair loss when taken orally (Finasteride).

6. Avoid Brushing Wet Hair

When your hair is damp, avoid brushing it since it may become weak. As a result, it is suggested that you avoid combing damp hair.

Also, too much brushing can cause damage to the hair and promote hair loss. It is well known that using your fingers to untangle knots is a superior method.

7. Schedule Time to De-stress

Medical evidence has been established in the past that stress is associated with hair loss.

De-stressing oneself may be accomplished in a variety of ways, one of which is through meditation. Alternative therapies, such as meditation and yoga, not only help to decrease depression but also help to restore hormonal balance and minimize hair loss issues.

8. Take Biotin

Otherwise known as vitamin H, is a B-complex vitamin that aids in the conversion of food into energy in our bodies, according to the National Institutes of Health.

Including biotin-rich foods in your diet or taking biotin supplements may help to prevent hair loss, according to some research findings. Increase your intake of biotin-rich foods such as almonds, sweet potatoes, eggs, onions, and oats if you are suffering from hair loss issues in your life.

Biotin shampoos are also another, albeit effortless way you can get that biotin onto your hair and scalp.

9. Don’t regularly heat or dry your hair

Frequent or constant heating and drying of the hair is not recommended. Because heat damages the proteins in the hair, continuous heating and drying can result in hair weakening and fragility, which can lead to hair loss.

10. Avoid Frequent Colouring and Chemical Treatment

These treatments can result in the weakening of the hair shaft and deterioration of the overall health of the hair.

11. Laser Treatment

Low-level laser therapy may be beneficial in increasing hair density.

People suffering from hereditary hair loss or hair loss as a result of chemotherapy can turn to this reliable source for help. This treatment approach, also known as red light therapy, may operate by promoting the production of epidermal stem cells.

Home laser devices are available for purchase for between £200 and £600.

12. Prevent Traction Alopecia

Certain headgears, such as turbans and skull caps, that are worn on a daily basis, as well as certain hairstyles, such as ponytails, braids, and artificial hairstyles, can cause hair to be pulled or tugged from the follicles, resulting in localized baldness over time.

13. Fitness and Physical Exercise

Engaging in regular physical activity such as walking or swimming for 30 minutes a day helps to maintain hormonal balance while also lowering depression levels and decreasing hair loss.

Exposure to salt water and UV radiation can damage your hair. If you are going outside, to the beach or just a run under the sun, use protective products.

14. Timely Treatment of an Itchy Scalp is Essential

A variety of scalp illnesses, including fungal diseases (tinea) and lice, can cause scalp irritation and hair loss. It is critical to visit a dermatologist and receive treatment for this condition.

15. Practice Yoga

This can be effective in treating hair loss induced by depression. Practicing the following stress-relieving yoga postures can help to prevent and reduce hair loss: Downward Facing Dog, Forward Bend, Camel Pose (shoulder stand position), Fish Stance (fish pose), and Kneeling Pose (kneeling pose).

On YouTube, you can find numerous instructional videos which can help you ease into these postures…and the best part is they are completely free.

16. Make Appointments with Doctors on a Consistent Basis

Hair loss can be caused by a variety of health problems, particularly skin-related diseases, that cause hormonal imbalances to shift, ultimately resulting in hair loss.

Make an appointment with your doctor on a regular basis to have your underlying diseases and problems evaluated.

17. Regulate your Blood Sugar Levels

Increased sugar levels may raise the incidence of folliculitis in people with diabetes (infection of the hair follicles). It is essential to keep blood sugar levels under control.

18. Hair Loss-Inducing Drugs

Vitamin A treatments used to treat acne and cancer therapy have been linked to significant hair loss. Folic acid supplementation may be beneficial in reversing the effects of medication-induced hair loss.

19. Massage Treatment

Performing regular scalp massages may stimulate blood circulation in the scalps, which may assist you to relax and improve the health of your scalp.

20. Drink Green Tea

Green tea is not only useful while attempting to lose weight, but it is also used as a natural treatment for hair loss in several cultures. Green tea includes polyphenolic chemicals, which are thought to be particularly useful in the prevention of hair loss.