Diabetes’ Impact on the Entire Body

No clue on diabetes? For your body to function as expected, it requires energy. When you eat food, it becomes broken down into absorbable components called glucose or sugars. The glucose gets released into the blood and delivered to the cells. The excess glucose gets converted to fats and stored for future use, which would be converted back to glucose and absorbed. Your body has a mechanism through which it regulates the level of blood sugars. When these mechanisms fail, you become at risk of suffering from diabetes. But you do not have to worry because Quality Care, a team of experts, treats diabetes Rockville. Therefore, in this article, you will learn more about how diabetes affects your functionality.

Did you know that about seventy percent of your body is water? When your body fails to produce enough insulin or is malfunctioning in using it, it tends to lose a lot of water through urination. The kidneys are the first organ of the body that gets affected by increased blood sugar. The kidneys perform ultrafiltration, so excess blood sugar interferes with this functionality. Hence, the glucose gets excreted, and its high concentration causes you to lose lots of fluid from the body. Consequently, if you experience thirst and rampant urination, you ought to visit a doctor so that they can evaluate whether you have diabetes or not.

  • Energy Levels

The paradox with diabetes is that even if the levels of sugars in your body increase, you tend to have no energy. You will often feel exhausted. Performing your daily routines becomes an uphill battle. The high glucose levels in the blood interfere with the ability of the cells to take in the glucose. So, if you realize you get tired after a simple task, you must seek medical services. It could be that you have diabetes.

  • Sight

The danger of diabetes remaining untreated is that you can suffer the risk of losing your sight. You will start by discovering that you have blurred vision because the high sugar concentration levels interfere with the fluids in your eye lenses. The blood vessels within your eyes get affected, and if you hesitate to seek medical interventions, you will lose your sight.

  • Cell Regeneration

When you have a wound, your cells regenerate to replace the damaged cells, which fosters healing. If you observe that you have injuries that take longer to heal than expected, you should consider visiting a health facility to get a diagnosis and treatment. Diabetes slows down the wound healing process because the high glucose levels in the blood impede blood flow. If the wound area does not get proper blood supply, then cells, nutrients, and oxygen propagating healing cannot get to that place.

You have already learned from this article that your body will give you signals when your blood sugars begin to increase beyond the normal levels. At Quality Primary Care, a team of experts reviews your medical history to establish whether you are at risk of suffering from diabetes and offers you the necessary preventative care. Also, if tests reveal you have diabetes, you will get the necessary treatment and interventions to prevent the disease from taking a toll on your overall health. Do not hesitate to book an appointment today.

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