Egg Freezing: Preserving Fertility

Egg FreezingEgg freezing is a technique for preserving your capacity to conceive in the coming years. Unfertilized eggs retrieved from your ovaries are frozen and kept for future use. An egg that has been frozen can be warmed in a laboratory, mixed with sperm, and implanted in your womb.

Depending on your needs and medical history, your doctor can assist you in understanding the process of egg freezing, the possible hazards, and if this technique of fertility preservation is appropriate for you.

Why is Egg Freezing Performed?

If you do not want to become pregnant at this time but desire to in the future, egg freezing may be an alternative. Egg freezing does not necessitate sperm since the eggs are not fertilized prior to them being frozen.  However, you’ll require fertility medicines to induce ovulation and generate several eggs for extraction.

If you’re thinking about egg freezing, consider the following:

  • You have a medical issue or a situation that may impact your ability to become pregnant.
  • You require therapy or treatment for an illness that could make it difficult for you to conceive.
  • You are presently having in vitro fertilization.
  • You’d like to save young unfertilized eggs until you are ready to have kids.

You can utilize your frozen eggs in conjunction with sperm from a companion or a sperm donor to try to become pregnant.  A donor might be identified or remain confidential. To carry the baby, the fertilized egg might potentially be deposited in the womb of a gestational carrier.

What Can I Expect During Egg Freezing?

Ovarian activation, egg removal, and freezing are all steps in the egg freezing process.

Ovarian Activation

Instead of the single egg that matures periodically, you’ll be given artificial hormones to trigger your ovaries to generate several eggs. The following medications may be required:

  • Medications that stimulate the ovaries, such as Menopur and Gonal-f
  • Preventative medications are given to avoid abrupt ovulation, such as Cetrorelix

Your doctor will keep an eye on you during treatment. Blood tests will be performed to assess your reaction to ovarian-stimulating medicines. Estrogen levels will rise as the eggs grow. However, progesterone levels will decrease until the egg has been released.

Egg Removal

Egg extraction is usually performed under anesthesia at a clinic. An ultrasonography device will be placed into your vaginal area to detect the eggs. A needle will subsequently be inserted into your egg through the vaginal canal. The egg will be removed using a vacuum probe attached to the needle.  Several eggs can be extracted, which means that you are more likely to become pregnant. You may experience discomfort after egg removal. Also, because your ovaries will still be swollen, you may experience bloating or pressure for several weeks.


Your unfertilized eggs are chilled to below zero temperatures shortly after being harvested, in order to store them for later use. The composition of an unfertilized egg makes freezing more challenging. However, women are more successful at becoming pregnant than when freezing an embryo.

The most popular method for freezing eggs is when accelerated cooling is combined with high quantities of chemicals that assist in inhibiting ice crystals from developing during the freezing process.

What To Expect Following Egg Freezing

Within a week of egg removal, you should be able to return to your routine activities. To avoid an unplanned pregnancy, do not have unprotected intercourse.

If you develop any of the following symptoms, contact Dr. Saadat:

  • Problems with urinating
  • Excessive bleeding from the vagina
  • Rapid weight gain within a day
  • Extreme pain the abdominal region
  • A high fever


Egg freezing is the process of retrieving an egg and storing it in a frozen state. This procedure is suitable for those who want to start a family in the coming years. Many women have been able to become pregnant via egg freezing and other reproductive treatments. Visit testimonials from Dr. Saadat to read more about his many success stories.