Breast Lift Procedure: What to Expect

A breast lift, also known as mastopexy, is a surgical technique that helps change the shape of your breasts. It involves your surgeon removing excess skin and reshaping breast tissue to raise your breasts. You can have a breast lift if breasts sag, nipples point downward, or one of your breasts falls lower than the other. Breast changes can result from pregnancy, weight changes, or gravity. A breast lift does not change breast size. A breast lift East Windsor can minimize sagging, raise your nipple positions, or lift your areolae. After the breast lift, your breasts will appear firmer and boost your confidence.

Preparations for a breast lift

If you smoke, your doctor will recommend you avoid the habit several days before your procedure. Smoking reduces blood flow in your skin and can slow the healing process. You will need to avoid certain medications like aspirin, anti-inflammatory medicines, and herbal supplements because they can increase bleeding. Ensure you have plans for someone to take you home after surgery. If you have gained excess weight, make dietary changes or do exercise.

Procedure for a breast lift

You can have a breast lift in a hospital or an outpatient surgical facility. Your doctor can administer local anesthesia and sedation that numbs a part of your body. Sometimes doctors use general anesthesia to keep you asleep during the entire procedure. Doctors use various techniques to remove breast skin and reshape your breast tissue. Your surgeon’s method depends on the cut’s location and the scars.

Your surgeon can make cuts around the areola, the darker area surrounding your nipples, or horizontally along your breast creases. The surgeon can also make incisions extending downward from your areola to your breast creases. Your surgeon can place stitches deep in your breasts to reshape your breast tissue. Stitches can also help reduce the areola size.

Your surgeon will remove excess breast skin, shift your nipples to higher positions, and then bring together your breast skin. The surgeon will close the cuts with stitches, skin adhesives, or surgical tape. The entire procedure takes two to three hours. Most patients go home the same day. After your breast lift, your provider will cover your breasts with gauze and a surgical support bra. The provider may also place small tubes at the incision site to drain excess blood or fluid.

After a breast lift procedure

After the breast lift, your breast will be swollen and bruised for about two weeks. Nipples, areole, and breast skin may become numb for several weeks. The incisions may be painful and sore and turn red or pink for a few months. After a few days, you will return to your surgeon for tube removal.

You will notice a change in the appearance of your breasts immediately after your surgery. The changes will continue gradually over the next few months. Breast lift outcomes may not be permanent. Sagging may happen because as you age, your skin loses elasticity.

A breast lift removes excess skin and reshapes breast tissue to raise your breasts. It improves your breast’s appearance and self-confidence. Schedule an appointment with Matthew J. Lynch, MD, for a breast lift to reshape your breasts.