Skin Cancer Risk Factors: 7 Factors You Should Be Aware Of

More individuals are identified with skin cancer than any other type of cancer in the United States. Luckily, most skin cancers are treatable if detected early. Therefore, it is essential to recognize the risk factors for Cypress skin cancer. If you are aware that you are at an increased risk for skin cancer, you could take proactive steps to lower your chances and adhere to potentially life-saving screening procedures. Read on to learn more.

Excessive Sunlight Exposure

Ultraviolet (UV) radiation exposure is the most prevalent risk factor for skin cancer. Thus, if you spend a significant amount of time outdoors around midday, you risk getting skin cancer. This concern is particularly true if you do not use UV-blocking sunscreen or clothing to shield your skin from the sun.

Your Skin Type

Whereas anybody can acquire skin cancer, persons with a typically lighter complexion are more susceptible than those with a fundamentally darker complexion. You are also at a higher risk if your skin freckles or gets red easily or if you have red or blonde hair and light-colored eyes.

Individuals with albinism have minimal or no melanin pigmentation to safeguard their skin from sun damage and therefore have the highest risk of skin cancer. Moreover, having many moles on the skin, although benign, may raise your risk.


If a family member has suffered skin cancer, your risk of developing the disease increases. Furthermore, genetic disorders impair the skin’s capacity to correct Ultraviolet damage and can raise your susceptibility to skin cancer.

Individual History of Skin Cancer

If you have suffered skin cancer before, your risk of acquiring it again is increased. This concern is true for all kinds of skin cancer, but the recurrence of melanoma is extremely common. 90% of recurrences of melanoma develop around three years following therapy. Therefore, following up with your healthcare specialists even after your skin cancer is cured is crucial.

A History of Severe Sunburns

If you have had one or more severe sunburns, your risk of developing skin cancer increases. As per The Skin Cancer Foundation, severe sunburns could double the chances of acquiring skin cancer in the future. Repeated sunburns are a risk factor for skin cancer as well.


Having gathered more years and opportunities to be subjected to Ultraviolet radiation from the sun, the chance of developing skin cancer increases with age. Most skin malignancies are identified in persons older than 50. Nevertheless, skin cancer could also be observed in young individuals exposed to the sun without protection.

Use of Tanning Beds

Even using a tanning bed increases the risk of developing skin cancer. Tanning beds emit significant quantities of UV radiation that affect the color of your skin.

Some individuals may believe that getting a ‘base tan’ before vacation may reduce their risk of serious sunburns. Unfortunately, a tan does not provide sun protection. Any change in pigmentation, whether tan or sunburn, indicates skin damage. Therefore, you should never use sunlamps or tanning beds.

Simply because you got a risk factor does not imply you will develop skin cancer. Nevertheless, having one or more risk factors means taking additional precautions to reduce your risk. At Magnolia Dermatology, Dr. Samantha Robar offers quality screening solutions to examine your skin for any signs of skin cancer. If you are diagnosed with the condition, Dr. Robar will suggest various treatments, including surgical excision, cryotherapy, Mohs surgery, and more. Schedule a consultation through mobile or request online today.