Leading Rehab Facility: 5 Service Types

Addiction is a chronic disease that changes both the brain structure and functions.

The term addiction does not only refer to the dependence on substances such as heroin and Opioids. Sometimes addiction also refers to the inability to stop partaking in activities like binge eating, gambling, and working.

Addiction swaps your everyday desire of the brain with those of the drug you are addicted to. As you continue taking those drugs, you no longer care about others; the only thing that matters to you is your daily dose of drugs.

As time passes, addiction exerts a long and powerful influence on the brain. It changes the reward system to Euphoria.

The influence manifests itself in the following ways:

  • Loss control over its use.
  • Increased craving for the object of addiction.
  • Continuing with the addiction despite knowing its consequences.

Over time, addiction becomes a core part of your daily life, especially when it’s opioid addiction. Opioids are prescribed medication to treat pain.

Can Drug Addiction Be Treated?

Yes, although it is not simple!

Because addiction is a chronic disease, people can’t simply stop using substances for a few days and be cured. The treatment of patients depends on their individual considerations. Some patients might need only a couple of weeks, while some might need months.

While you are seeking help from a professional for the addiction treatment, ensure that your addiction treatment is helping the person to do the following –

  • Stop using drugs.
  • Stay drug-free.
  • Be productive in the family.

Types Of Services You Can Expect From A Rehab Facility

Addiction treatment is not a one-size-fits-all solution. Treatment may vary based on your needs. You can choose the treatment that works for you based on the types of substances you use and how severe addiction is.

Here are some of the most common addiction treatments you can expect from the rehab center.

1. Detoxification

Detoxification is the process of removing harmful toxins from inside the body. Detoxification is the first step towards addiction recovery when a person enrolls in a drug rehabilitation center.

Medically assisted detox allows the patient to get rid of the harmful substance in a safe environment. This also helps in suppressing the withdrawal symptoms.

Because withdrawal symptoms surface in a safe environment, medical professionals and staff members are present to deal with the situation accordingly.

2. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy

According to the American Addiction Center, Cognitive behavioral therapy plays a key role in addiction treatment. While a person is being treated for addiction, experts focus on their physical condition and forget about the damaged mental health.

If you are not strong mentally, relapses are bound to happen. To stop such relapses, cognitive behavioral therapy was introduced to the treatment program. This addiction treatment therapy ensures that a patient is not only recovering physically but also mentally.

Cognitive-behavioral therapy is known for identifying unhealthy behavioral patterns, and triggers as well as helping the patients develop coping mechanisms.

3. 12-Step Facilitation

12 step facilitation therapy is a 12 step addiction treatment program that deals with any addiction recovery. Whether you are suffering from alcohol addiction or substance use, this treatment traces back to the root problem and treats your addiction from scratch.

12 step facilitation is a form of group therapy that helps the person understand the consequences of addiction on their social life, personal life, and how it affects them both physically and spiritually.

This treatment method encourages people to accept their shortcomings and convince them to move forward with the addiction treatment program.

4. Treatment With Medication

While most people think that staying away from substance use can help people curb their cravings and stop addiction, things don’t always go as planned. Medication plays an important role when withdrawal symptoms show up.

Certain medicine can help you reduce cravings, decrease addictive behavior, and improve mood. In fact, there are medicines that can be used to replace the substance you use for addiction.

For example, the FDA recently approved a Lofexidine medicine that helps patients reduce their cravings.

5. Contingency Management

Contingency management is closely linked with after-care services. This treatment service is the last phase of addiction treatment. Here, the addiction rehabilitation center ensures that you are following the right path and trying to live the life of sobriety.

Contingency Management can be used for any kind of addiction treatment. It reinforces your positive behavior by giving you tangible rewards.

After Care Services: A Service That You Must Look Out For

After-care services are important to living a sober life. Once you have completed your addiction treatment program, counseling, and therapies, you cannot be 100% sure that you will never relapse.

While you are out in society, there are a number of things that can trigger a relapse. When you relapse, you can go back to your old addiction.

Having aftercare services from the addiction rehab center provides the final support you need to live a sober life. The moment you feel the relapse is kicking in, you can visit the rehabilitation center and get a professional to deal with the situation.

In addition, having an after-care service allows you to always have a final hope and peace of mind that there is at least someone who supports you during your tough times.

Closing Thoughts

If you are suffering from any addiction, you must get help from professionals. Although the first experience of an addiction rehab facility might be overwhelming, you must understand that ultimately, rehab is a positive experience.

The aim of rehab is to treat your addiction and make you a better version of yourself. In addition, they ensure that you treat your other mental health concerns so that you can walk into society without experiencing cravings and relapses.

Don’t allow your fear of what happens in a treatment to prevent you from curing your addiction!

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