Dealing with Allergies: Effective Strategies

Allergies are common, affecting millions of individuals every day. An allergy occurs when your body’s immune system reacts to something. You will likely encounter skin rashes, swelling, sneezing, and itchiness following an allergic reaction. Usually, an allergic reaction results from a trigger or when your body comes into contact with an allergen. Identifying your triggers can help avoid allergies by protecting yourself against them. The allergy testing Bridgewater specialist at Respacare offers comprehensive care to help you deal with allergies. Keep reading to learn more about allergies.

What is an allergy?

An allergic reaction develops when your immune system identifies something as harmful despite them being harmless. Allergens are substances that cause allergies or that trigger an allergic reaction. Allergens may include food, animals, or environmental factors. For example, common allergens include dust, pet dander, pollen, mold, eggs, smoke, strong smells, peanuts, or certain medications. You can prevent allergies by identifying your allergens and avoiding them.

What are the symptoms of allergies?

Your body comes in contact with allergens through physical contact, breathing, or ingestion. You will likely encounter itching, rash, sneezing, swelling, congestion, difficulty breathing, abdominal pain, or hives. Usually, the symptoms vary from mild to severe. For severe symptoms such as diarrhea, vomiting, or dizziness, ensure to seek immediate medical attention. The symptoms also depend on the specific type of allergy you are having.

Allergy testing

It is a procedure to identify and confirm your allergies. Your provider tests various allergens on your skin to see how you react to them. Allergy testing is simple and painless. Your provider scratches your skin and brings in the potential allergen. Any reactions on your skin show that you are allergic to that specific allergen. The testing helps you to identify your allergen and prevent any allergic reactions. The most effective way to prevent allergies is by avoiding allergy triggers. Your provider may also recommend treatment options or solutions to help with your allergies. It may include medications or lifestyle modifications.

Reducing your contact or exposure to allergens

Depending on what causes your allergy, you can prevent an allergy reaction by avoiding the allergens or their exposure. For food allergies, avoid taking food or ingredients that cause your allergic reactions. You can lower your risk of pollen allergies by keeping your windows closed or staying indoors during high pollen seasons. Washing or keeping pets out of your bedroom can prevent animal dander allergies. You can prevent mold allergy by using dehumidifiers to lower humidity at home, using bleach to clean moldy areas, and repairing water leaks.

Find medications to relieve your allergy symptoms.

Sometimes it may be hard to avoid your allergens. Having medications that fight your symptoms ready can be helpful. Treatment plans might be effective, especially for seasonal allergies.

Consult a medical provider

Seeking medical attention for allergies gives you the best way to deal with allergies. Your provider advises on the most effective treatment plan.

It’s time to say goodbye to allergies, once and for all. Allergies can be overwhelming to deal with, especially when they occur unexpectedly. Your provider at Respacare is here to change that. They offer allergy testing to help you identify your allergies to help you avoid the triggers. Call Respacare offices today to schedule your consultation and learn how to better deal with allergies.