Improving Sleep with Sleep Apnea

Sleep apnea makes you have episodes where you stop breathing while sleeping. You can experience several symptoms, including snoring and waking up in the middle of your sleep. The condition increases the risk of other health complications like heart attack, memory loss, poor immune function, and mental health issues. The sleep apnea Houston specialists offer different treatments to improve sleep apnea and quality of life. Lifestyle changes combined with effective treatments can help overcome symptoms associated with sleep apnea and reduce other health risks. Here is what you can do to improve your situation.

Use CPAP Machine Properly

Continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) machine is one of the most common and effective treatments for sleep apnea. The machine releases continuous pressure to your airway, keeping it open and avoiding collapsing. The machine must be used accurately to deliver effective results. Your doctor will give you usage guidelines and instructions which you must strictly follow. Ensure you learn how to connect all components and clean and maintain every machine part. Talk to your doctor if you encounter problems when using the machine.

Use Dental Appliances

Oral appliances can help you if you are dealing with mild to moderate symptoms. You can consult your doctor about using the appliances as an alternative to the CPAP. Your doctor can prescribe specially-made mouthguards to maintain your jaw properly while you sleep. The appliance helps tighten your throat muscles and soft tissue, avoiding obstruction when you sleep. The dental appliances also offer additional benefits of improving the protection of your bite. However, remember that they require special fitting and should be done by your dentist.

Achieve a Healthy Life

Being overweight or obese is one of the leading risk factors for sleep apnea. Achieving a healthy weight has multiple benefits, including improving sleep apnea symptoms. Work with your doctor to come up with the best weight loss program. You might need to make some lifestyle and dietary adjustments to lose weight. Investing in a healthy diet rich in lean proteins, vegetables, fruits, and whole grains can be a good start. Also, your therapist will help you adapt healthy exercises to help you lose weight and improve your aerobic activity.

Quit Smoking and Excessive Alcohol Consumption

Alcohol intake can worsen your sleep apnea symptoms, like snoring. Avoid drinking at night with the knowledge that even a small amount can cause sleeping problems and unhealthy awakenings. Tobacco, like alcohol, can disrupt your sleeping pattern and harm your overall health. Although avoiding these might be difficult but possible. Talk to your doctor for expert help in quitting these habits to help you sleep better and improve your overall quality of life.

Adjust Your Sleep Posture

Improving your sleeping position might seem like a small change, but it plays a critical role in improving your sleep apnea symptoms. Most of the sleep apnea symptoms are based on sleeping positions. Sleeping on your back can worsen your symptoms and cause other health complications like back pain. Studies have shown that Sleeping on the side can improve sleep apnea at night. Talk to your doctor to understand the right posture to help you sleep better.

Talk to the Houston Sinus Surgery sleep apnea specialists if you are enduring the condition help. Book a consultation appointment to evaluate your treatment options. Your provider will help you make healthy lifestyle changes to sleep better.


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